As of July. 2023, the following are solely created by myself :
Emotes, sub badges, starting soon screen, model art. rigging, stream overlay, banners, twitch headers
Stream Assets
Chat Bubbles / Gradient Border - Zaytri
Vtuber Assets
Headpats are native to Vtubestudio
Santa Hat - SoyaPoya
Xmas Garlands - Ghostimu
Pipe Models - CreativeSurfer
Yippee Model - DariRuu Pom




Currently, I work a fulltime job and do not regularly have the same amount of time available to work on commissions. Because of this, I only take commissions on a case by case basis when I have time.Things I've done before:
-Vtuber Art
-Vtuber Rigging
-Channel/Panel Art
[portfolio wip]If there's something you are interested in, feel free to inquire on twitter.

Color Guide

Flux 3.0 model has several different color toggles! Hair color is available as a channel point redeem.
After you click the redeem, type your request!
The request format is:

Change Base Color OnlyChange Ombre OnlyChange Base Color + OmbreTurn Off Color
depth huedepth hue tipsdepth1 hue1 with depth2 hue2 tipsreset

And the hue / depth options are:

dark | medium | bright | light | tintedred | orange | yellow | green | teal | blue | purple | pink

You can combine depth + hue together to make specific shades of a color like medium red or light green.


Depth will default to 'bright' if not specified.There is no "dark white" for base hair color for obvious reasons--instead, the 'colorless' option range is:
black | medium grey | grey | light grey | silver
The same applies for ombre/tips, except the lightest option is white instead.
Some colors with unique names like chartreuse or vermillion have a baked-in depth and don't need their depth specified.If you make a mistake, don't worry! The redeem will cancel and refund points.Resetting doesn't use points :)


black with white tips

medium red with bright orange tips


tinted pink tips

chartreuse with mint tips